All the Tweets That Are Fit to Print

Once upon a time, in a land called Twitter, the residents of this incredibly chaotic, yet endlessly fascinating land, contributed their words of wisdom – all in 140 characters or less, for those of us plebes for our entertainment.

Some sort of wedding appears to have occurred, resulting in an overwhelming number of droplets of wisdom from the Twitterians.  The lovely Rachael Maddow attended the NRA convention, Jesse Tyler Ferguson contemplates gender perception in the media, Seth Meyers’ mocking spread far and wide, and several other random tales were shared in Twitterland, including the fact that Stephen Moffat is the coolest dad in the world.  At least to this dork.

Because our own Dear Leader has subtly mentioned once or twice his mild distaste for all things British Royalty, I’ll try to make this first part quick and painless.  Just like ripping off a band-aide, right Dear Leader?  *prepares for 40 lashes*

Despite superficial appearances, there was also a highly underrated event on America’s very own provider of nonstop entertainment, C-SPAN.

And the Birthers even exist in other solar systems…

But onto the random:

And Finally, Stephen Moffat can bite me.  Just… bite me.  Just ignore the green-eyed monster in the post.

And that’s all for our tales of late from Twitter Land.  The Twitterians are tired, I must traverse to a land of pizza and beer, and you all have whatever it is you do all day to do.  Until next time, loyal subjects!

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