
3 posts

Hey, Look What the GOP Snuck into the Trash Late Friday!

Why it’s the House Intelligence Committee’s massive Benghazi Inquiry! Sitting out there in the Friday news dump a whole report about Benghazi led by the Republicans. You know the one, the one that was going to topple President Born-to-Lie OrWe’llBlameHimAnyway and his right hand Benghazi stooge, Former Secretary Hillary ClintonCoverup. Well, none of that happened. Actually the opposite of that happened. Continue reading

The Most Talked About Political Moments of 2012

2012 politics

2012 was filled with hot topic political moments. From the 2012 election and financial woes, to domestic and international issues, we’ve seen a wide swath of commentary, posturing, and all out batshittery that’s filled up the airwaves, the cable news channels, and made for much Daily Show fodder.

Let’s take a look at some of the most talked about. Continue reading