
29 posts

As the Election Heats Up the Racists Take their Cue

We’ve apparently reached the part of the 2012 election where all the racist assheads emerge from the shadows in full bigoted regalia.

While not surprising, it does just make us….well, what? What does this particular demonstration make us feel? This may seem like an easy question, but maybe it isn’t so easy. Is it enraging? Sure. But by this point it’s also so cliché and mundane that it’s almost like expecting the jerk after the tap on the knee. It’s not that we thought these folks went anywhere after the 2008 election. No, of course not. Due to the Tea Party, which has been noticeably absent during much of the 2012 campaign, we saw the many, many, racist signs and slogans and t-shirts and whatever the first time around. So, where has this guy been? Continue reading

Obama-Romney Debate Live Blog

With only five weeks until the election, the GOP’s point of no return zipped past in the rearview weeks ago. About the time Mitt Romney spent a muggy night in Tampa following up the weirdest public display by a senior citizen since Reagan’s second term with a bore-fest, the tide started turning against America’s favorite Mormon-Plutocratic-Android.

Tonight, that could all change. Mitt Romney could give the performance of a life time, the President could have a ‘Kill Whitey’ moment, and Ann Romney could spend Thursday morning planning for ways to keep ‘you people’ away from the Executive Mansion. Continue reading

Prepping for the Presidential Debate: The View From Castle Romney

In his mountain fastness of Castle Romney, high in the windswept Utah Alps, Willard Mittonicum Jackasticus Lannister Romney, Lord of the Robo-men and Republican Presidential nominee, prepared for the first Presidential debate. His campaign is in something of a shambles, and his advisors were hoping Romney could turn it around with a non-crappy performance at the debate. Continue reading

When in Doubt Play To Your Base — Your Seething Ridiculous Base

Well, it’s been a tough week for Mitt Romney. Not only has the Obama administration not given up discussing his tax returns, some crazy man started talking about what happens in magical lady wombs which set off a bomb of atomic abortion proportions like he never could have imagined. Seriously. That shit hit the mega rape fan and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Continue reading

Should Obama Tip His Hat to W?

Jeb Bush, of the Florida Bushes, believes that President Obama should thank George W. Bush for his foreign policy leadership.

I would argue in some ways, by reality seeping kind of into his life as the Commander-in-Chief, that a lot of it is modeled after [Bush] 43. And it would be nice, a little tip of the hat might be a nice thing. I think it would be helpful for him politically.

The only analogy I can come up with is thanking my dog for the baggie of poop I have to pick up. Can you do any better?

Feel Good Moment of the Day: President Obama’s LMFAO Cover

Political figure song mashups are now all the rage. We laughed hysterically at this one featuring robotic underworld money hoarder, Mitt Romney’s take on Eminem’s “The Real Slim Shady.” Now we’ve got another one starring PRESBO and LMFAO created by Baracksdubs and featured first on YouTube. But, of course, YouTube can hardly contain Obama saying the word “sexy.” Continue reading

The Battle for the Soul of the GOP

From Glenn Beck, via Mediaite:

“If you have a big government progressive, or a big government progressive in Obama… ask yourself this, Tea Party: is it about Obama’s race? Because that’s what it appears to be to me. If you’re against him but you’re for this guy, it must be about race. I mean, what else is it? It’s the policies that matter.”


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