news games

2 posts

Should Obama Tip His Hat to W?

Jeb Bush, of the Florida Bushes, believes that President Obama should thank George W. Bush for his foreign policy leadership.

I would argue in some ways, by reality seeping kind of into his life as the Commander-in-Chief, that a lot of it is modeled after [Bush] 43. And it would be nice, a little tip of the hat might be a nice thing. I think it would be helpful for him politically.

The only analogy I can come up with is thanking my dog for the baggie of poop I have to pick up. Can you do any better?

The Tax Man Cometh

Tomorrow is the deadline for filing your 2011 taxes in the US. Maybe you owe money and dread writing that check. Or maybe you just realized that you never got your W-2.

Really though, if you haven’t filed by now you might as well just send in an extension and go back to whatever Master of Procrastination activity you’ve been doing for the last three months. If you’re bound and determined to get them done today; Go, get off the internet, what are you doing here? For everyone else, here is a game. Rewrite the tax code. How would you make it “fair”. Also or alternately what would you fund or defund?

Image via Baloo