Election 2012

140 posts

The Only Presidential Debate Recap You’ll Need to Read

Willard Mittonicum Jackassticus Lannister Romney, Lord of the Robo-men, debated Barack Obama, President of the United States,  before a crowd of nitwits, ne’er-do-wells, Richard Dreyfus impersonators, mildly unhappy women, short-term memory loss sufferers, and a kid named Jeremy at the Manhattan Clam Chowder Institute in Montauk on Tuesday.

This was their second debate. The first debate, in Denver, was something of a disaster for Obama. Bill Clinton had given him some terrible debate advice at the previous week’s Presidential Poker Game in the White House basement rumpus room. “Before ah whupped ol’ man Bush,” the ex-president declaimed, his mouth full of ranch dip, “ah et a whole turkey. You eatcha a WHOLE turkey, right before your debate, and you’ll tan ol’ Mitty’s ass. Also, don’t wear no underwear. It’ll make ya feel looser, think better.” Clinton liked to talk like a yokel because it infuriated Jimmy Carter and threw him off his game. Obama was skeptical of the turkey plan, but Clinton’s poker advice had been spot-on. Jimmy Carter bluffed constantly, and the robot with FDR’s brain NEVER bluffed. Obama decided that maybe Clinton’s debate tips were good, too. This was a mistake. Continue reading

Josh Romney Will Fry Your Face Off With His Laser Eyeballs

Fucking Josh. Well, we all heard what other Romney son, Tagg, wanted to do to the president during Tuesday’s debate. Haha. Oh, Tagg. That is your real name isn’t it? It’s actually “Tagg” with double the “g?” Brilliant. You’re like an ABC Family Switched at Birth conundrum co-starring the Palins of the shit-silliest Alaskan branch of American idiots. So, er, yeah, Tagg, buddy. You wanted to take a swing at the sitting POTUS? That’s a lot of entitled ball swinging there. But sure. Hey, it’s a free country. You know, when the Secret Service are done sexing up ladies in South America, we’d also like them to pay you a visit to discuss the fun-filled history surrounding acts of treason. Oh, but your brother Josh? Wow, intense much? Continue reading

Debate Live Blog: Did the President Learn From Joe Biden?

As America limps towards the Presidential election, we find ourselves as divided a nation as ever. Conservatives and Progressives argue daily over everything-taxes, climate change, health care and a list of issues that never seems to end. Most Americans have long since decided where they stand, and damned if any debate changes that.

Fortunately, tonight’s town hall-style debate audience will have none of those Americans. Instead, we get a debate moderated by an anchor from America’s lamest cable network, populated by our lamest Americans: The undecided voters. We all know the type-unsure of who they will vote for, despite the fact that the President is an incumbent and Mitt Romney has been campaigning for this job since before we knew what an iPhone was.  Continue reading

How Scared Are We For Tonight’s Debate?!

Let’s not even check to see what Andrew Sullivan is doing. We have the feeling he’ll be watching the debate in airplane “kiss your ass goodbye” position and that’s helpful for no one. But what we can say is that according to all the pundits, everywhere, this debate could mean the difference between staying in your home come January or booking that one-way ticket to Costa Rica. Good God! Did Rush Limbaugh ever buy a home there?! Continue reading

Paul Ryan Outed as an Opportunistic Jerk… Again

Urgh. It really doesn’t get much worse than this, folks. This is one of those things that’s just so debased and boneheaded you really have to wonder what the thought process was. Early yesterday pictures circulated of Vice President Nominee, Paul Ryan, and his family, washing dishes at a soup kitchen in northeastern Ohio. Late yesterday the head of the charity confirmed the rumor that it was all a lie, and Ryan “did nothing” while there. Continue reading

Battle of the Running Mates

A week after Willard Romney overclocked his untruth modules and scampered energetically around the sleeping President during the debate in Denver, the two vice-presidential candidates met for a debate in the pleasantly whisky-scented auditorium at Yokelburg State College in Kentucky. Vice President Joe Biden’s goal was to stop weeping Democrats from jumping off of ledges. “Atlas Shrugs” cosplayer Paul Ryan wanted to show everybody he was all growed up. Continue reading