Here it is, the last GOP debate hellfest before the Iowa Over-pig anoints a caucus champion. Will grotesque claymation Christmas special-villain Donald Trump show up? See Ted Cruz, the world’s most despised Canadian! Chortle at JC Penney’s Boys’ Department empty suit Marco Rubio! Gaze in sorrow at sad deflated balloon animal Jeb! Bush! Yell back at hateful yell-beast Chris Christie! You can watch it on Fox News at 9:00 PM with your crazy uncle or stream it here. Continue reading
Is anyone watching TV? No? Then it must be time for a Democratic debate. On NBC, the one where Brian Williams used to tell his war stories. Continue reading
We live in a world where new threats constantly emerge, power structures are frequently in flux and diplomacy is increasingly important to those who hold power. As leader of the free world (in theory) the President of the United States must posses a nuanced and thoughtful world view.
The best way for candidates to display that worldview is in a series of soundbites spread out over 90 minutes to an audience of folks who would have a hard time finding the Middle East on a map. Fortunately, we’ll hear nothing of the President’s secret war, nor of Mitt Romney’s dis-interest in putting a stop to it. Nor will we hear about the vast powers to make war that the Executive branch has accumulated in the last 30 years, because acknowledging it might mean giving some of them back.
Many of us giggled our way through the night laughing incredulously at the bizarre comment Mitt Romney made during last night’s debate about needing a “binder full of women” to diversify the ranks within his gubernatorial administration. Continue reading
Proper way to bait a wild conservative into a debate…
1. Approach cautiously, wild conservatives are a skittish lot. Hold out your hand a tell a small lie like “I never thought of it that way” or “Wow you are making a really good point”
2. Build up a small rapport with him over something. This is very easy to do as they are always looking for allies to help them from the liberal hordes. Tell him you think Reagan had great hair, or that Rick Santorum is your hero. Continue reading