
152 posts

Food Review: King Cake Burger

king cake burger

I discovered the Food Drunk food truck during one of the food truck rallies in New Orleans a couple years ago. Their menu features all the food you want when you’re about to head home from a night at the bar: duck fat fries, a bacon burger, mac and cheese and a few other favorites. During Mardi Gras they feature something that sounds too good to be true: the king cake burger. Continue reading

How Do We Solve A Problem Like Manspreading?

manspreading In 2015 everyone has rage about the concept of manspreading. There are those who think anyone who manspreads is not only a rude jackass who revels in splaying his junk in an apparent display of superiority, but who is also attempting to suggest to you, unexpecting female train rider, that you should not only behold all that is magnificent about male genitalia, but be so threatened by the glory of every man’s significant crotch circus that you should swoon and feel a bit faint just by being in its presence, if not fearful of its magnitude. All the while, pro-spreaders say simply, “Dude, my balls get hot if confined, so I need the space to keep things loose and moving ‘down there.'”

So who’s right, and more importantly, how do we solve the problem if indeed there is one. Continue reading

Waze Has Made All Radar Detectors Obsolete

Even casual motorists are always on the look out for the 5-0, not wanting to get pulled over. But for road warriors the speed trap is less of a statistical likelihood and more of an absolute certainty. You don’t want to get a huge ticket (with hefty fees on top of the fine) just for accidentally going 5MPH over while passing that hyper-miling Prius that refuses to budge off 63MPH.

For years I held onto the greatest radar detector ever made, the Valentine One. But the Google owned Waze smartphone app has finally convinced me to put away the V1 and sign onto the future. Continue reading

How to Survive a Long Distance Relationship

OK, so, full disclosure, I’m a serial Long Distance Dater. I’m in my fourth long distance relationship at the ripe age of 25. It’s not that I seek out women who move away, it just seems that we fall for each other, and then life’s circumstances make it impossible to stay together when you’re both trying to start out your lives.

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QOTD: What’s Your Best Hangover Remedy?

257px-Uetersen_Alsen_Achenbecher_1870Being a horrible lightweight when it comes to drinking, I don’t myself have a long list of hangover remedies. Two drinks (doubles, granted, but still) and I’m out.  And will probably feel bad the next day. But nothing that time and a couple of quarts of Gatorade can’t fix.

The articles I read doing research for this generally start up with a lot of pious nonsense like “drink less’, as a preventative measure. Idiots. Continue reading