
152 posts

Proven Steps to Become Upwardly Mobile

moneyThe nice folks over at Mint have put together an infographic showing some data driven ways that people can climb the socio-economic ladder.

Since pictures are complicated I’ve distilled down for you are the things you can do right now to make sure your children are statistically more likely to better off than you are.

It’s science so this is foolproof.

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How I Turned Two Art Degrees into a Career in Accounting

Recently we ran a post about the best and worst degrees for getting a job. My comment was, “Does it count if I turned my two arts degrees into an accounting career?”

My undergraduate degree is in Communications and I have a Masters of Arts Management. What I would absolutely love to do is produce a multi-day music festival similar to Lollapalooza. Continue reading

Minimalism, Expatriation, and Getting Rid of Your Crap

As some of you know, I’m about to embark on a trip to become an expatriate. I turned twenty five a few days ago, and I accepted a job offer overseas a few days before that. I am a long time resident of a smallish college town in Texas, made famous by the college, football stadium, and its small string of bars just north of campus. I moved here at eighteen and have never really looked back. I worked on my degree and never really thought that I’d stay here forever. I ran the off campus BONFIRE for a couple years, and traveled all over the tri-state area speaking at former student clubs, and meeting people from all walks of life. I got a job just outside of town immediately after graduating, and just kind of never left.

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Tips and Tricks for New York City’s Citi Bike and Starting to Bike in Your City

As someone who has lived in NYC for most of her life, I never ever thought it possible that the city might start becoming friendlier towards bikers, nay, even promoting biking as a viable transportation option.

On May 27th, New York joined the ranks of many other biking cities in the world by initiating the largest bike share program in the nation, Citi Bike. A program which has been highly successful in Montreal, Washington DC, Boston, Melbourne, AU, and other cities with more soon to launch. Finally, this was a totalitarian overreach by Mayor Mike and the powerful bike lobby I could get behind. Or, you know, ride. And, since its inception, the biker population has really exploded, it seems, with Citi Bikers and non – a development I am very happy about if somehow eventually it means less cars. Continue reading

Check Your Bank Account – You too Can Be a Victim of ATM Fraud

atmskimmerOn Wednesday morning last week, I went to the 7-11 to buy cigarettes and a Diet Coke. I never carry cash so when I swiped my debit card, I was shocked when it said “Declined.”

Immediately, I went on line and checked out my bank statement. I had several charges that I did not make. I belong to a credit union that is very particular about the charges I make, and they noticed they were all on-line; not my normal pattern. So they shut the card down. Continue reading

I Don’t Design for Free – My Work Costs Money

About three years ago, I was at a smallish cocktail party that was being hosted by a friend of a friend. During the course of the small talk over bad hors devours and even worse, a warm Sprite, the conversation turned to professions. Next thing you know I am being drug across the back yard to ‘advise’ the host on what to do with his outdoor living space. I said, sure. Why not? Just give me a few minutes to get my bearings and come back and we’ll talk. He went back to the group inside and that’s when I stripped completely nude. Continue reading