
6 posts

The New World of Cop Blanche

Cop blanche
/käp blänSH/
1. Complete freedom of police officers to do as they wish against the people, even committing crimes or violating their constitutional and legal rights, without repercussion.

The last two weeks have seen a pair of high profile grand juries fail to return indictments on police officers that utilized lethal force on unarmed suspects. In the 1987 novel Bonfire Of The Vanities, author Tom Wolfe quotes New York State chief judge Sol Wachtler, saying “a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that’s what you wanted.” Continue reading

Waze Has Made All Radar Detectors Obsolete

Even casual motorists are always on the look out for the 5-0, not wanting to get pulled over. But for road warriors the speed trap is less of a statistical likelihood and more of an absolute certainty. You don’t want to get a huge ticket (with hefty fees on top of the fine) just for accidentally going 5MPH over while passing that hyper-miling Prius that refuses to budge off 63MPH.

For years I held onto the greatest radar detector ever made, the Valentine One. But the Google owned Waze smartphone app has finally convinced me to put away the V1 and sign onto the future. Continue reading

Do Not Flirt with Cops when You Have an Outstanding Warrant

On Sunday a San Francisco man saw a uniformed police officer in a police car whom he was smitten with and attempted to chat her up. The 26 year old man seemingly casually walked up to the patrol car and talked to the two officers in the car making it clear he was interested romantically. The officer told him she was already taken but asked his name. He gave his name and as he was walking away she ran it through the system and found he had a no-bail warrant for rape.

He was arrested and booked on the warrant. Source: SF Gate