We all have our wish list of things we would do and buy if we hit the big jackpot, but what about a sum of money with just one comma? Continue reading
It sure can buy you a lot of booze though. Continue reading
Welcome back to the Crasstalk Money Challenge! If you missed it the first time around, the challenge is essentially Super Squats for personal finances – pick a financial goal or several and tell us how you’re doing. Continue reading
It’s been over a week into the new year, which means that you’ve likely made some money-related resolutions. Or you recently looked at your bank/student loan/mortgage/credit card statement and spent the rest of the day weeping and gnashing teeth. Or you want something but need to save up for it.
The number crunchers at the Wall Street Journal have dug through the data and come up with the five riches cities in America. But first a few definitions of “rich” and “city” because details matter. Continue reading
Who doesn’t want to save money on their next vacation? Nobody. Here are nine easy ways. With the money you save, you can buy that extra cocktail at the bar, stay an extra night in the nicer hotel, or buy the souvenir sweatshirt you promised your friend you would buy. Continue reading
Housing bubble alert. With interest rates low and a lot of demand now is a great time to be a seller. The nice people over at Realtor.org have layered their market data that used to only come in Excel format onto Google Maps for a nice mashup, as the internet kids like to call it.
The data below gives you a quick view to the median price of a single family detached home in different metropolitan statistical areas. Did you catch all those loaded words there? Let’s break it down.
Just remember, buy low – sell high. Continue reading
$9.00 per hour! Why when I was a kid walking to school up hill both ways in the snow we only made $0.23 per hour and an hour lasted ten times longer than it does now. Can you believe these whippersnappers wanting to get $9.00 per hour?
Or, how exactly does California’s newly passed $9.00 per hour minimum wage, the highest state minimum in the nation, compare in constant dollars to the minimum wage when your grandpappy was only knee high to a grasshopper? Let this handy chart explain it to you. Continue reading
The nice folks over at Mint have put together an infographic showing some data driven ways that people can climb the socio-economic ladder.
Since pictures are complicated I’ve distilled down for you are the things you can do right now to make sure your children are statistically more likely to better off than you are.
It’s science so this is foolproof.
On Wednesday morning last week, I went to the 7-11 to buy cigarettes and a Diet Coke. I never carry cash so when I swiped my debit card, I was shocked when it said “Declined.”
Immediately, I went on line and checked out my bank statement. I had several charges that I did not make. I belong to a credit union that is very particular about the charges I make, and they noticed they were all on-line; not my normal pattern. So they shut the card down. Continue reading