I discovered the Food Drunk food truck during one of the food truck rallies in New Orleans a couple years ago. Their menu features all the food you want when you’re about to head home from a night at the bar: duck fat fries, a bacon burger, mac and cheese and a few other favorites. During Mardi Gras they feature something that sounds too good to be true: the king cake burger.
After a couple of elusive Mardi Gras seasons (read: I was never anywhere near the truck), I was finally able to score one of these burgers on Monday as the truck was parked just a few blocks from my office in New Orleans’ Central Business District. I was so excited to get one of these burgers, I ran out at 11 when the food truck opened, well before my usual 1:00 lunch time to get one. I returned to the office and could hardly wait to dig in. Not wanting to get my hands messy with icing, I grabbed a knife and fork and dug in.
Sadly, it was disappointing. The “king cake” buns aren’t king cake at all. It’s a regular brioche bun with some icing and Mardi Gras colored sprinkles on top. The burger patty was fresh, but hardly anything to write home about. And other than the cheddar cheese, there were no toppings on the burger. This burger was definitely not worth the $10 price tag.
Maybe I would have appreciated this burger more at 3 in the morning as opposed to the middle of the work day, but next time I’ll stick to traditional late night drunk food.
Photo courtesy of MattBlerg.