
40 posts
A semi-literate blogger who attempts to write semi-coherent sentences for your semi-entertainment. "Be not simply good; be good for something."

The New Hunger Games Trailer Debuts

Premiering this morning on Good Morning America, the newest Hunger Games trailer gives us a peek at some of the most exciting and critical points of the film based on Suzanne Collins’ young adult novel The Hunger Games. Fans of the series will recognize some familiar faces – Katniss’s co-tribute Peeta Mallark [Josh Hutcherson], Katniss’s BFF4L Gale [Liam Hemsworth], younger sister Primrose Everdeen [Willow Shields], former District 12 champion Haymitch [Woody Harrelson], Katniss’s hairdresser Cinna [Lenny Kravitz!] and the colorful Effie Trinket [Elizabeth Banks]. We get a solid preview of The Reaping ceremony, and the heart wrenching moment when Katniss volunteers for Prim as tribute for District 12. Continue reading

A Tragedy of Epic Proportions: Kim Kardashian Filing for Divorce

I know! You are just as shocked as me. If these two slightly attractive, spunky kids can’t make their marriage work, CAN ANYONE?

First reported by TMZ, and now confirmed by Ryan Seacrest via Twitter, Kim Kardashian is filing for divorce from her husband of just a few months, NBA basketball player Kris Humphries. TMZ reports that it might have had something to do with Kim not wanting to live in Minnesota. Can you blame the girl? (Don’t hit me, ginger!) Continue reading

QOTD: Do You Use The Facebook?

 Facebook was first introduced in February 2004; it’s hard for some of us to imagine a time when Facebook wasn’t a part of our morning routine.

First it was exclusive to college students, then it was for high schoolers, and then anyone could join. Ugh! You can thank Zuck for the resulting and endless fiddling with your Facebook privacy settings so Mom and Aunt Lori don’t see your drunk beer funneling pictures from college. Also, I’d like to personally thank Mr. Zuckerburg for my Facebook statuses coming up at Christmas dinner. Duly noted was my excessive use of the word fuck.

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Seven Best Hangover Foods

The pounding headache, the stomach full of bile. The sweats, the farts, the poops. All across the world, Saturday morning comes and the cry of “Never again!” shouts from bathroom stalls everywhere as we hug our toilets, retching out another successful night.

Well, most of us don’t drink until we puke every weekend, so what’s the next best thing after getting rid of all the alcohol you put in your stomach? Putting greasy food in there to counteract the hours-old fermented beer! Sometimes this works to your advantage and you feel like a million bucks, and other times, well – see the first paragraph. It was going to happen anyway, so might as well have some substance to the puke, right? Continue reading