
40 posts
A semi-literate blogger who attempts to write semi-coherent sentences for your semi-entertainment. "Be not simply good; be good for something."

Congressman Steve King’s Delusional Vegetarian Tale

Here’s another one to file under “Bizarre Shit Politicians Lie about.”

Iowa Representative Steve King, recently politicking at a local town hall meeting, announced to the attendees that he had forced witnesses testifying at a congressional hearing to “confess” they were vegetarians. While this might seem a pretty odd thing to be bragging about in the first place, it gets even weirder when Think Progress reveals through a search of congressional testimony – it never happened.

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Interview with a Canadian, Eh?

In the spirit of international cooperation and diplomacy with our northern neighbors, yours truly ventured out into the wilderness and captured an actual Canadian. An actual Canadian Crasstalker, Internet alias HonkIfYouLikeCookies, rumoured (see what I did there?) to go by the name Susan. After having my way with her (it’s exactly what it sounds like), I asked her a few questions about her native land and people. Here’s what I found out about those crazy Canucks:

What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard an American say about Canada?

Other than the entire Talking To Americans mockumentary by Rick Mercer, the dumbest thing an American has ever asked me was if I took a dog sled to school. It was asked by someone from the deep south. Continue reading

NFL Wild Card Games Open Thread

Today is a day when some of us football fans are bitter and sour (bite me, Mark Sanchez*), some of us are gloating, and others are still biting their nails as we watch our teams make their final effort to earn a playoff spot. Check out our NFL Wild Card Preview article to find out all the games and Wizard Ross’s predictions of how things will play out. Here’s the low down for today:

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Crasstalk Roundup

This week’s round up is brought you by cletar, who states matters quite succintly: “Monday and Tuesday we made fun of some stuff. Wednesday and Thursday people were cranky. Friday everybody complained about boobs. Here are some pictures of cats, fuckos.”

Let’s be honest, that’s more or less how it went down:

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Jimmy Kimmel is Probably Going to Hell

If you’re looking for some laugh out loud funny, here it is! Reprising his hilarious Halloween gag on kids, Jimmy Kimmel on his show last week asked parents to trick their kids and give them an early Christmas gift – the catch is, the gifts suck. Gifts include half eaten sandwiches, a potato, and an empty ice container. The kid’s reactions are fairly unsurprising, including tears, but what are a few children crying when you get your YouTube giggles for the day? Comment.

Crasstalk Weekly Roundup

Another week down! How’s your holiday shopping coming along? Haven’t started? That’s excellent news. 15 days until Christmas, y’all! Ten days until Hannukah, y’all! It ain’t no thang. Here’s what went down this week in Crasstalk. We had some superb writing, so be sure to check it all out.

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