
46 posts

Meet Michael and Kamala, Showtime’s Polyamory Ambassadors

I was originally going to write a review of the Showtime reality series Polyamory, but I think any discussion of the show needs to focus on the Douche² couple that have dubbed themselves as the architects of the San Diego polyamory movement: Kamala and Michael. I understand they are also the face of a class action suit against SuperCuts. I suspect that these individuals represent the polyamory community about as effectively as Snooki represents the average woman who lives in the New Jersey area. Continue reading

A Real Life Fifty Shades of Grey

Warning: This post contains adult themes that might not be safe for your work environment.

There were definite limits to our relationship. She never wanted me to ask detailed questions about her family. She hated ordering food over the phone and taking her car in for maintenance — so if those things needed to be done, I had to do them. And she didn’t mind if I found other women attractive, but she always wanted to be the one to raise the topic first. Continue reading

A Brief History of Contraception

Today is the fortieth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Eisenstadt v. Baird, a decision that barred states from denying birth control to unmarried persons. Unlike its predecessor, Griswold v. Connecticut, Eisenstadt is a relatively uncelebrated decision, though with it, the Court validated what is now a thoroughly modern mindset about sex: that sex can be fun, and it isn’t necessarily all about baby-making. The decision extended the right to privacy to include single persons– using an equal protection argument that claimed that states cannot discriminate against unmarried people when it comes to laws restricting access to birth control. It was a victory for single men and women. Continue reading

Texans Are Required to Have Fetuses Shown or Described to Them

On Tuesday the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed an injunction that stopped Texas’ restrictive sonogram law. Under the reaffirmed  law, abortion providers are required to show or describe an ultrasound image of a woman’s pregnancy. The only exceptions to the law are if the fetus was conceived by rape or incest or if the fetus has an abnormality. Women can decline to view the sonogram, but she must listen to the doctor’s description. Continue reading

How to Pick Up Men in Bars: A Guide for the (Hopefully) Promiscuous Woman

For most woman the ultimate goal of dating is to find a nice, stable relationship with a man she can make a life with. I am not that woman. I really only want to make friends with a man for a night (or maybe a few nights) of casual fun before I get back to all of the crap I have to get done on any given day. Not only do I not have time for men, I won’t make it. It’s not that I don’t like men, I have great relationships with my male friends and co-workers, but I don’t want to hassle with a relationship and I don’t want one moving into my house. Since I am not in a relationship, I have to get my sweet lovin’ another way, and for me that is the one-night stand. Let me tell you how one works. Continue reading

What Womanly Women Want In a Man

So, yeah. Among all our cat picture postings and general whinings, occasionally we get our CT (straight) boys whining on about women.

How do we work? Well, I guess it’s not that simple. But, BUT…real women are actually not all that complicated. We’re just like you. Only with vaginas. However, there are a few things we do like…or love…that aren’t too confusing or difficult, and might help you boys along the path to glory. Continue reading