How Do You Fantasize?

The other day my Twitter pal and sometimes lunchmate Ahm asked for a conversation topic, and I suggested something that I’ve been stewing on lately: Are most people’s sexual fantasies POV or roving camera?

This can and will become NSFW so you’ve been warned.

What I mean there is, in your sexual fantasies do you imagine everything from your point of view, i.e. like in real life, or do you envision the action from other perspectives in which you can see yourself from outside your own eyes, i.e. like in a movie?

Ahm suggested there might be a third option. “I would think that most fantasies are like… if the camera were mounted inside the nerves.” I don’t precisely understand what she means, but I suspect that might be because she’s hitting on some key distinction between how men and women fantasize, maybe even between how they think about sex in general.

Hot sex!

You probably have guessed the question that’s coming, so I’ll go first here and say that my fantasies are always roving camera. I build scenes in my head and will often do retakes mid-fantasy. I guess that’s not surprising, since I’m a screenwriter. But do I build my fantasies that way because I’m a screenwriter, or am I a screenwriter because I’m the type of person that builds roving-camera sexual fantasies? I’ll add that, when I write scripts, I’m not constructing sentences and thoughts in the abstract, like I’m doing right now. Instead all I do is try my best to describe the TV show that I see in my head. With few exceptions, I don’t come up with a line of dialogue and then envision a character saying it. I see a character saying a line, and then I type the line. Sexual fantasies, for me, are pretty much the same thing without the typing part.

So here’s the question you expected: how do you sexually fantasize? Do you use some other method that I haven’t even conceived of?

Please note that I think I speak for everyone here when I say that none of us want any actual details of the content of your pervie sexual imaginings. Keep them to yourself, sicko.

IMPORTANT ASIDE TO MY FAMILY: I do not actually have sexual fantasies. I spend my idle mental moments devising ways to optimize my gas mileage.

Photo © istolethetv

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