
56 posts

Project Runway All Stars: The Party’s Over

The final episode of this special season starts with our boys leisurely dressing themselves and Mondo sniping at Austin. A quick trip in what looks like a light spring rain (when was this filmed? 2010?) and “je suis arrivee” at Gotham Hall, which we last saw in the season finale episode of Chris March’s reality design show, Mad Fashion. We’re sure there’s a Weinstein connection here somewhere. As always, there’s spoilers after the jump, so go on. Spoil yourself. You can do it. Continue reading

Project Runway All Stars: Ready To Wear

Dear Reader,

Please take two minutes and forty seven seconds out of your life to have a look at what Head Judge Isaac Mizrahi sent down the runway twenty years ago, in 1992. Look at him with his crazy hair and listen to his youthful idealism. Also, look at the shapes, the shoes, the accessories.

All done? Excellent. Now click on through to the other side to read about this week’s challenge, and as always, there’s spoilers in there, so be brave and daring. Continue reading

Project Runway All Stars: Freak Flag

The United Nations. A place where over one hundred countries come together from around the world to trade recipes and animated cat gifs. Not unlike this very website.

This week, Ke$ha tells the sewtestants they can buy a random flag for a quarter from this table she has setup on the lawn of the United Nations building. Yes, Ke$ha is bringing back the yard sale, so get hip, kids. As always, there are spoilers. There will always be spoilers. So, click at your own risk! Continue reading

Project Runway All Stars: Delirious Delusion

Ke$ha sloshes onto the runway, her arms full of knockoff “designer” purses she bought from the trunk of a car parked outside of Parson’s. She brandishes these sweatshop creations and tells the sewtestants it’s time to pick a bag, any bag. Each designer picks a (cheap-looking) bag and inside, guess what! There’s a luggage tag with the name of a season on it.

Who got what? Austin and Kara will always have Spring, Michael and Jerell shiver in Winter. Kenley and Mondo sweat through Summer, and that leaves Mila and Rami with Autumn. Aww-tummmm, Ke$ha intones, sounding like one of those self-hypnosis tapes they used to sell at Waldenbooks. Turns out the two people in each “season” are competing against each other, so there will be a top 4 and a bottom 4. Are you even a little bit curiious about what happens next? If so, there’s more after the jump, but as always, there’s spoilers Continue reading