
22 posts

What Are Mormon Underwear?

Welcome to a new series of columns on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for people who are unfamiliar with the Mormon Church. Since Mitt Romney is a viable candidate for president, the religion is being discussed a lot. I, personally, had not heard much about the church before I moved to Colorado. The church is based in Utah and is much more common out west. Since moving here, I’ve had the opportunity to learn more about the church and thought I’d share some facts. NurseWretched pitched in with her extensive knowledge of the church as a one-time member. Continue reading

The First Shall Be Last When the Media Tries to Get the Scoop

Watch a horrible mistake unfold, and facepalm with me.

We don’t have to be first. My fellow journalists may be going into convulsions as I say that, but it’s true. We don’t. People are sick of that. It means nothing, in this age when information is almost instantaneous, and first means little more to an audience than a few seconds. Audiences care about presentation, about snappy writing, about looks and sound and branding, about reliability. Continue reading

The Media is Bored of This Whole ‘GOP Primary’ Thing

Pity the poor American media. Forced to still cover six different ‘contenders’ for the Republican Presidential nomination, when they could be working to sharpen the alleged differences between a moderate-Republican-turned-frothing conservative-who-will-tack-back-to-the-middle as soon as he gets the nomination and an allegedly liberal-but-not-on-pretty-much-every-issue President, it was only a matter of time before the media would run out of patience for this whole exercise of ‘democracy’ and ‘primaries’.

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Happy New Year! Time to Feel Shitty About Yourself!
Sir Mix-a-Lot says you’re awesome just the way you are.

Hello, Fatso!

The holidays are over. O-V-E-R. So what are you doing, lazing about the floor, watching that marathon of Hoarding? You know what you’re hoarding? Fat. fatfatfatfat. You are a worthless jerk who will make less money all your life and never find love because you shop at Lane Bryant or at the Big and Tall store.

The commercials are all here to tell you that.   Continue reading

Why I love Al… Al Jazeera That Is

Disenchanted with blurbs, gotchas and shallow one sided reporting?

Why I love Al Jazeera, a short blurb… oh crap, I’m infected!!1!

I’m personally finding it hard to read any news item these days without casting a side-eye at the source and wondering… left wing? right wing? wing nut? Credibility is lost, and it’s not coming back anytime soon. Investigate, question, report – if I want your opinion or religious slant I wouldn’t be reading the N.E.W.S. dipshit. Continue reading

Sandusky: It Was ‘Horseplay’, Not Rape

This was one of the most bizarre interviews I’ve seen in a long time.<!–more–>

Former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky admits to showering with boys, admits to ‘horseplay’ with boys, and, when asked by Bob Costas of NBC News, point-blank, ‘Are you sexually attracted to under-aged boys?’ says “I enjoy young people. I love to be around them… but no, I’m not sexually attracted to young boys,’

From a journalistic standpoint — damn, Bob Costas. I give him Mike Wallace-esque props here. He asked simple, straightforward, direct questions. He also managed to not throw his pen across the room and scream, “SERIOUSLY?”

Enough is Just Enough with the Gaddafi Death Footage

Yes, he’s dead. The world is a better place for it. And really, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

However, at some point I’d prefer those two-dimensional animated re-enactments depict the events of the capture and death of some heinous, disgusting, crazed, devil. I can really do without the various photos and video footage of the death of an evil man on an endless loop, and popping up like some sort of cannibalized zombie from the worst horror movie ever on my computer screen. Continue reading

The Anniversaries

I got an instant message from one of the young writers in the newsroom yesterday (Saturday).

This one will tear your heart out, she wrote, sending me a cut of a boy, born less than a month after 9/11, speaking in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday — a message to his firefighter father who died on that terrible day. Patrick Mate Lyon told that packed church, and all the cameras and microphones and pens taking notes he wished he could have known his dad. Continue reading