
2 posts

I Think xoJane Gave Me Ringworm

If there’s anything I love more than uninformed veterinary advice and xoJane, it’s uninformed veterinary advice on xoJane. In “I Think My Dog Gave Me Ringworm,” Helena Andrews thinks her dog gave her…no, actually, she imagines her ringworm-infected dog could possibly give it to her. I’m serious: “I now believe my eczema is ringworm because my vet said so — sorta.” Oh boy. Anyway, this post, and the comments, are a goldmine of bullshit advice. Continue reading

What Are Mormon Underwear?

Welcome to a new series of columns on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for people who are unfamiliar with the Mormon Church. Since Mitt Romney is a viable candidate for president, the religion is being discussed a lot. I, personally, had not heard much about the church before I moved to Colorado. The church is based in Utah and is much more common out west. Since moving here, I’ve had the opportunity to learn more about the church and thought I’d share some facts. NurseWretched pitched in with her extensive knowledge of the church as a one-time member. Continue reading