Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Please note, the series will be on hiatus until the Fall. Continue reading
It’s Canada’s 146th Birthday. In celebration, today’s post will focus on Canadian made products. Try not to get all emotional. Continue reading
Ever wonder about the history of ubiquitous objects found around your home? From your hair dryer to your doorknob, they all have a story to tell. Who invented it and why? Since we’re surrounded by design, let’s get to briefly know some of the unsung heroes who’ve made our lives more manageable. Continue reading
Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Continue reading
Sunnylands is a 200 acre estate located in Rancho Mirage, California and is owned an operated by the Annenberg Trust with the idea that the estate itself will be used to host retreats for some of the most powerful individuals on the planet. Blah blah blah. Let’s get on to the design of the place.
Fair warning: this post will be full of detail oriented photos. Continue reading
Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Continue reading
Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Continue reading
Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Continue reading
So, you find yourself surrounded by mason jars, corks, and I dunno, pipe cleaners and coat hangers, and you’ve decided to embark on a DIY project. If you’re like me, this will probably not happen, because 1) Where do you get all this stuff? 2) How does one ever really decide to make a reindeer lawn ornament out of mason jars, corks, pipe cleaners and coat hangers? No matter! This is what you’ve planned to do since all the Thanksgiving hullaballoo has died down and it’s right before the Christmas shopping craze gets into full swing. So, what’s a good DIY project? Continue reading
Oh, for the luxury of living in Manhattan — what would you do? Perhaps try and move all of your earthly possessions into something that wouldn’t contain a sneeze much less the entire existence of a human being OR perhaps two if you’re truly a crazy person who likes to tempt the claustrophobia gods with your wanton double occupancy ways. Continue reading