When you want to sell a car sometimes you need just the right person to present the product to the consumer. This has brought us instant classics and some commercials that take time to recognize their genius. Let’s take a look at the greatest automotive presenters that pitched us some of the best and worst cars. Continue reading
I was an Adblock Plus user for as long as I can remember. But Adblock comes at a price, the sites that provide content can’t do it for free.
It’s true that Adblock made the web a much simpler place with far less clutter, no shouting flashing banners and annoying giant yellow bouncing things. For a long time I thought I was an ethical ad blocker because I disabled on sites that I frequented and liked, but otherwise I kept the default setting as block all ads for all other sites. But I was still visiting those other sites when I would Google something and land somewhere. Some of those sites provided me with valuable information, but I wasn’t doing my part to help them stay in existence. Continue reading
Charmin toilet paper has recently ramped up their advertising in an attempt to either sell more toilet paper or completely freak out the public. Charmin has a history of unusual advertising. Their most famous ad campaign featured people who stalked grocery stores to furtively squeeze toilet paper.
Advertising toilet paper is a tricky business. You want people to be aware of your product without thinking too much about it. They should associate your product with cleanliness. You don’t want them concentrating too much on why they need toilet paper. This will only lead to unpleasant images associating with the product. Continue reading
I like old things. Pretty much anything old. Thus I am starting a series called Old is Good. First off: ads.
Times and social mores change. The beer ad to the left wouldn’t fly now – omg it has a boobie in it! No more beer for health, either. No more beer for babies. We’ve come a long way when it comes to advertising – haven’t we? Continue reading
Sir Mix-a-Lot says you’re awesome just the way you are.
Hello, Fatso!
The holidays are over. O-V-E-R. So what are you doing, lazing about the floor, watching that marathon of Hoarding? You know what you’re hoarding? Fat. fatfatfatfat. You are a worthless jerk who will make less money all your life and never find love because you shop at Lane Bryant or at the Big and Tall store.
The commercials are all here to tell you that. Continue reading
Lowe’s has apparently pulled its advertising from the only decent show on TLC, All American Muslim. According to The Hollywood Reporter, something called the Florida Family Association encouraged its followers to email the show’s advertisers, stating, “All-American Muslim is propaganda that riskily hides the Islamic agenda’s clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values.” Luckily, TLC says that advertiser support for the show remains strong– I don’t know about you guys, but I think this is the only redeeming show on the network. Continue reading
We are big ESPN/SportsCenter fans in my house. Honestly, the only reason we keep cable is for ESPN. We’ve been watching SportsCenter with breakfast every day for many years, and get a good chuckle out of their witty “This is SportsCenter” ad series. Continue reading
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of my Newsbunny-watches-way-too-much-television-and-gets-way-too-involved-in-commercials-roundups.
Every once in a while, commercials pop up that are just so horrific that I — am simply enchanted. I thought I had a sick mind. I do not. My mind is far more within the mainstream than I ever suspected. Or perhaps the fact that I question what is tossed before me on the screen in this manner — perhaps that means I am far more sick than the mainstream. I can no longer afford therapy. You tell me. Continue reading
I have been told I’m too literal minded. Continue reading