gun control

11 posts

6 Things That Are Harder to Get Than a Gun

lunapic_136657095322986_2As we all know by now, last week the U.S. Senate, in spectacular, lily-livered fashion, caved to the NRA, voting down even the weakest, most watered down version of a gun control bill. After the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, which so many people claimed “changed everything”, nothing, in fact, has changed at all. Forget an assault weapons ban, forget bans on high capacity magazines; we can’t even ask gun buyers to submit to a simple background check at a gun show. And, since, according to Mother Jones, “around 40% of all legal gun sales involve private sellers and don’t require background checks” that’s a lot of buyers and a lot of guns. Continue reading

This Week In Gun Violence

Over 1400 Americans have died from gun violence since the massacre at Newtown in December.  The President, Vice President and the Congress are currently considering legislation to stem gun violence.  Former Congresswoman, Gabby Giffords, will testify in Congress today about her very personal experience with gun violence.  Meanwhile, the GOP and NRA are digging in their heels, and gun sales have sky rocketed around the nation. Continue reading

This Is Why We Don’t Trust You With Guns: A Collection of Crazy Comments From America’s Gun Nuts

Ted Nugents Rent Boy

A special thanks to Thunderclees and Haysi for diving into the Internet Pits of Hell for us.

One of the hallmark cries of the gun lobby in resistance to new firearms legislation is that regulations punish the “responsible gun owner.” I actually know many gun owners who are sensible, careful people who take their responsibility for owning a killing machine seriously. However, these reasonable voices seem to have gotten lost in the cacophony of the debate about gun regulation in our country. Instead, the craziest (and often greediest) voices seem to be the loudest and the discussion about gun policies has become extreme and pointless. Here is the reason the American public will have a hard time trusting gun owners to do the reasonable thing.

Note: This post contains some really ugly racial slurs. You have been warned. People are awful sometimes. Continue reading

As Obama Unveils Plan, Right Wing Declares Gun Rights “Non-Negotiable”


Yesterday President Obama announced twenty-three executive orders aimed at stopping mass shootings like the one at the Sandy Hook elementary school in December. The orders cover issues like mental health system improvement, tightening background checks, and streamlining law enforcement reporting on guns and dangerous individuals. The President also announced he would like to pass an assault weapons ban with the new Congress. Reactions from gun rights advocates was swift and intense. Politicians who support the gun lobby have declared Second Amendment rights non-negotiable and called for drastic actions to resist the new regulations, signaling a tough battle ahead for the President and gun control advocates. Continue reading

The NRA’s New Plan Aims To Arm Volunteers And Put Them In Schools


What could be considered one of the most batshit crazy pressers this blogger has ever endured, began with hollow recognition of the carnage that unfolded a week ago today at Sandy Hook elementary and the supposed respectful silence the NRA showcased in its aftermath, and ended with a plan that would see everyone from police, to firemen, and somewhat shockingly, armed patriotic “volunteers,” patrolling America’s schools.

The NRA is an insane organization. Continue reading