Over 1400 Americans have died from gun violence since the massacre at Newtown in December. The President, Vice President and the Congress are currently considering legislation to stem gun violence. Former Congresswoman, Gabby Giffords, will testify in Congress today about her very personal experience with gun violence. Meanwhile, the GOP and NRA are digging in their heels, and gun sales have sky rocketed around the nation.
Here are some incidents in the last week where at least one person died and another was injured by guns.
A gunman shot two people in a bar in Seattle. The gunman was killed by police.
One man died and one woman was injured in a domestic violence case in Annapolis, MD.
A man was shot dead and a woman injured by gun shot in Kentucky.
An astonishing seven people were killed and six injured in Chicago in one day in separate incidents.
One police officer was killed and two were hurt in a shooting at a casino in Louisiana.