It was only a month ago that 26 members of the Sandy Point Elementary School were brutally gunned down at their school. On Wednesday, President Obama announced his legislative agenda to address gun violence. The reaction from the NRA and gun rights extremists was swift and predictable, and pundits predict the President will have a difficult time getting support in Congress. As the nation wrestles with questions about gun rights versus public safety, people continue to die from gun violence. As of January 16th, 926 people have died since the teachers and children in Newtown were killed. Continue reading
Every December 3rd, around 6:13pm, I stop for a minute and remember the Worcester 6.
On December 3rd, 1999, two homeless people named Thomas Levesque and Julie Ann Barnes were living inside the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse. The building was abandoned. It was a relic of another age, six stories tall, so close to the elevated Interstate 290 that, if you wanted to, you could reach from the side of the highway and almost touch the façade of the building. Continue reading
As the small town of Newtown, Connecticut and the nation at large still mourn the deaths of the innocent in the second worst school shooting in American history, our thoughts and feelings are already being shaped into arguments about gun control and mental healthcare in this country. Continue reading