With just four weeks to go before America chooses its next President/first tin-pot dictator, let’s take a moment to review the current state of the Presidential race. Continue reading
political sausage
Many many moons ago, back when I had a job that had approximately three hours of work but required eight hours of physical presence, I wrote a small political column called “The Daily Sausage”, an overview of the going’s on in the political blogosphere. While I may not have the free time I once did, some things are too important to go un-mocked, and thus, for one(-ish) more time, The Daily Sausage rides again.
As we enter the summer of 2016, we find ourselves once again in Presidential Election Season, where Donald “Der Druempfrer” Trump (R-Berlin, circa-1929) will be taking on Hillary “Insert Derogatory Epithet For A Strong Female Leader Here” Clinton (D-Wall Street) for the privilege of being the next President of these United States.
My god, what have we done? Continue reading
For today’s Daily Sausage, I’m venturing into the dark heart of conservatism itself: the right-wing blogosphere. Continue reading
“Decades from now, Americans will visit the memorials to those who were lost on 9/11. They will run their fingers over the places where the names of those we loved are carved into marble and stone and wonder at the lives they led. Standing before the white headstones in Arlington and in peaceful cemeteries and small-town squares in every corner of our country, they will pay respects to those lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. They will see the names of the fallen on bridges and statues; at gardens and schools.
And they will know that nothing can break the will of a truly United States of America. They will remember that we have overcome slavery and Civil War; bread lines and fascism; recession and riots; Communism and, yes, terrorism. They will be reminded that we are not perfect, but our democracy is durable and that democracy – reflecting, as it does, the imperfections of man – also gives us the opportunity to perfect our union. That is what we honor on days of national commemoration – those aspects of the American experience that are enduring and the determination to move forward as one people.” – President Barack Obama – Continue reading
Ron Fournier jumps ship, the American Taliban in 2012, We Built It (with government funding), World Culture Wars, an astonishing panorama of the endtimes, Taibbi on the true story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital, the RNC isn’t racist (except when it is), the Ron Paul Revolution, Todd Akin has met the enemy, and the Affirmative Action President. Continue reading
David Brooks’ cornflakes, walking the party planks, Adelson’s Billions, and Karl Rove misses the mark on Indiana. Continue reading
An Unserious Man, Todd Akin and the GOP’s problem with women, the War on Voting opens up a new front, the Bizzaro Tea Party attack on Obamacare, the Income Gap, Unemployment, and Tax Rates, and 14 wacky “facts” from Louisiana’s voucher schools. Continue reading
The radical right, white terrorism, what it feels like to be a liberal, today’s Big Pile of Mitt, Steve King and the Land Before We Had A Black President, the GOP’s War On Everything – the Voting front, nuns gone wild, and the GOP makes fun of the mentally handicapped. Continue reading
Sandy Weill: “I got mine, f*** you.”, Financipocalypse, The Mittstorm Cometh VII: Degredations, Louie Gohmert, the fraud of Voter Fraud, NYPD Brutality, and NRA Members for Gun Control. Continue reading
Supporting evidence, Evangelical sanctimonium, foolish Democrats, courageous statesmen, terrible people, Corporate shunning, Assad has to go, a plan to save the world, and extinct Elephants. Continue reading