50 posts

Mitt Romney Will Finally Share His 2011 Tax Returns With You People

What’s the best way to mute ceaseless criticism that you are the “Plutocrat’s Plutocrat”?

Doubtless, it’s not releasing your 2011 tax returns showing an effective tax rate of 14.1%, but that’s about all Mitt Romney’s got. Reportedly, the returns include $2.25M of deductions for charitable contributions and about $14.7M of total income. Continue reading

When the Loons in Your Party Show Up at Campaign Events

Oh, Mitt. What would you do if you didn’t have staunch supporters like Clint Eastwood, chair-grousing, grizzled old looney bear, and Pat Robertson, crazy, evil, soul-destroying chaos wizard, to make your campaign fun! and exciting!? Well, we just don’t know. Maybe instead you could hitch your campaign to a crap wagon and throw it off a cliff into a ditch of empirically plummeting poll numbers? Yes, that’s the ticket. Continue reading

What Republicans Should Learn From the Clint Eastwood Experiment

Well, last night at the RNC convention there was a barely contained feeling of excitement and anticipation as Mitt Romney was set to take the stage. Could he do it? And by it, we mean, make himself likeable, human, and alluring enough that not only the base could finally throw all their support behind the former governor and forever Olympics cheerleader, but for swing voters and independents to see the man behind his monotone words and connect with him on a real level? Continue reading

Paul Ryan’s Convention Speech Was Full of Lies, Smarmy Antics

Urgh. It’s not really surprising that a speech made to gin up the base and appeal to swing voters would be so full of holes you could drive one of Ann Romney’s Cadillacs through it. The real question is in going forth in this manner, how stupid does this guy think America is? Pretty stupid from the looks of it — or perhaps more to the point– he doesn’t really care what you think. Continue reading

The GOP Keeps Talking About Rape, Proves How Little They Care

You just have to wonder what the GOP endgame is here. Is it that rape/abortion has become such a big ditch that they are compelled to keep digging with hopes on settling on the right answer, but (double drat!) what they’ve ended up with is such a continuing cycle of ignorance, offensiveness, and smug assholery that they’ve really got no clue how to stop looking for the saving grace as desperation sets in? It would sure seem that way. Continue reading

The G-OPP and The Radical Right’s Overton Window Push on Abortion

It’s no secret that the self-proclaimed Party of Liberty seems to take great interest these days in what happens in the realm of OPP-Other People’s (insert your usage for P here, we’ll go with ‘Pants’ in the name of decency). Whether it’s their stance on DADT, gay marriage or a women’s right to choose, the modern Republican Party really, really needs to know what’s going on down there, and put a hard stop to it if said goings-on fail their purity tests. Continue reading

Update! Paul Ryan Still Enjoys Watching People Get Arrested At His Events

Remember how just yesterday we reminded you about a September 2011 event where Paul Ryan watched and then taunted several of his constituents while they were arrested during a fee-only luncheon he attended? Well, it seems the congressman still enjoys a good bit of censorship without the fried corndogs (because yeah, P90X!), since a few days ago the exact same thing happened amid Ryan’s taunts and express glee. Continue reading

GOP True Colors: One Incident Paul Ryan Hopes You’ll Forget

Now that Paul Ryan has joined the Republican ticket, both he and Romney have indicated that this is to be the start of substantive campaigning. A turning point, if you will, which will see a move away from negativity to the bigger issues at hand, like jobs and the economy. We wonder if Paul remembers a time when his constituents wanted some answers to those pressing questions and decided to buy a ticket to a luncheon to finally get their much requested face time with the congressman — and how what enfolded should forever be the Asterisk next to his name. Continue reading