
2 posts

When the Loons in Your Party Show Up at Campaign Events

Oh, Mitt. What would you do if you didn’t have staunch supporters like Clint Eastwood, chair-grousing, grizzled old looney bear, and Pat Robertson, crazy, evil, soul-destroying chaos wizard, to make your campaign fun! and exciting!? Well, we just don’t know. Maybe instead you could hitch your campaign to a crap wagon and throw it off a cliff into a ditch of empirically plummeting poll numbers? Yes, that’s the ticket. Continue reading

Craigslost: We Are Your Friends

Friends. Who needs ’em? Well it turns out that we all need ’em. Without friends, who will bail us out of jail, run to CVS for the Morning After pill or send us those dirty text messages?

And you know who really needs friends? Craigslist People! In the Gathering of the Juggalos on Poppers-esque subterranean hellscape that is Craigslist, a “friend” is someone who is game for whatever random quasi-illegal fetish you’re into. It’s a beautiful thing, really.

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