Todd Akin

5 posts

Todd Akin Would Like McCaskill to be More “Ladylike;” We Would Like Todd Akin to Stop Talking Forever

Oh, good Christ with a hammer. Todd Akin is speaking again. And of course his topic of choice is women. A topic he’s shown to be mentally handicapped at discussing. This time instead of making noxious commentary about what he thinks happens in the lady wombs of rape victims, he’s now observing behavior in his opponent in the Senate race, Claire McCaskill, that he’d like to share. And this time it’s a winner! No, not at all. Continue reading

Newt Gingrich Campaigns with Lizard-Man GOP Candidate Todd Akin

Vile space gangster Newton Leroy Gingrich hosted a campaign event on his luxurious orbiting pleasure barge, Infidelicus, for reptilian GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin. Akin, a widely despised man-lizard, has been something of a laughingstock since he revealed in an interview his total lack of knowledge about how human babies are made. Continue reading

The G-OPP and The Radical Right’s Overton Window Push on Abortion

It’s no secret that the self-proclaimed Party of Liberty seems to take great interest these days in what happens in the realm of OPP-Other People’s (insert your usage for P here, we’ll go with ‘Pants’ in the name of decency). Whether it’s their stance on DADT, gay marriage or a women’s right to choose, the modern Republican Party really, really needs to know what’s going on down there, and put a hard stop to it if said goings-on fail their purity tests. Continue reading

Not All Rapes Are Forcible

Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) has brought to light an important debate in the U.S. Senate rate by expressing his view that women who face “legitimate rape” cannot become pregnant.

He has clarified that to mean that he meant to say “forcible” rather than “legitimate”. Of course, that makes perfect sense. “Forcible” rape is completely different that the various kinds of optional rape that are so common.

You might be familiar with the following examples of optional rape:
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