Update! Paul Ryan Still Enjoys Watching People Get Arrested At His Events

Remember how just yesterday we reminded you about a September 2011 event where Paul Ryan watched and then taunted several of his constituents while they were arrested during a fee-only luncheon he attended? Well, it seems the congressman still enjoys a good bit of censorship without the fried corndogs (because yeah, P90X!), since a few days ago the exact same thing happened amid Ryan’s taunts and express glee.

Recently at a stump speech at the Iowa State Fair mere days after the announcement of becoming Mitt Romney’s running mate, Ryan can be seen taunting a couple female critics in the audience and then directing the police to them while tittering with laughter as they are removed from the event. He is literally a Fourth Grade bully who can’t engage his critics or even finesse his way into making his points in an open dialogue before exalting in their removal. How does he not just come off as smarmy and epically immature? And this guy wants to be one heartbeat away from the presidency?

During the State Fair appearance he says:

“It’s funny because Iowans and Wisconsinites, we like to be respectful of one another and peaceful with one another and listen to one another. These ladies must not be from Iowa or Wisconsin.”

Ha, ha! Really, Paul? The way you listened to voters who paid to see you speak in Wisconsin last year before you had them arrested?

He goes on to say:

“My guess is the reason that President Obama isn’t making it here from Council Bluffs is he only knows left turns.”

Good Christ. He even makes jokes like an elementary schooler.

If you’d like tips on how to handle a situation like this, Paul, maybe you should take some cues from the President of the United States.

And one more.

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