…and tho’
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven…
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You people
5 posts
Welp, it’s that time of year of again… Continue reading
That’s like 8, in people years.
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The Centers for Disease Control are reporting an upsurge of reported seasonal influenza cases in the past couple of weeks indicating that we may be in for a particularly nasty Flu season. Even if you do not normally get a shot, this year you should. Continue reading
What’s the best way to mute ceaseless criticism that you are the “Plutocrat’s Plutocrat”?
Doubtless, it’s not releasing your 2011 tax returns showing an effective tax rate of 14.1%, but that’s about all Mitt Romney’s got. Reportedly, the returns include $2.25M of deductions for charitable contributions and about $14.7M of total income. Continue reading