Yesterday this writer was on Twitter when I saw a tweet from Rhode Island state legislator Dan Gordon (R-71) about the US House vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Admittedly, I was cranky, and after a day of reading bad economic news I felt a little fed up with the GOP’s continued bitching about the health care bill when Americans need some real leadership. I shot back a cranky response.
By now most of you are familiar with the internet dispute between creator Matt Inman and lawyer Charles Carreon. I won’t rehash the whole episode here, but you can find a good recap at Last week Carreon dropped his defamation suit against Inman, but apparently his internet campaign is just beginning. Continue reading
Happy Pride Crasstalk! Of course you can’t have Pride Week without the obligatory pack of assholes that always emerge anywhere people are trying to have a good time and enjoy life. Let’s meet this week’s first jerk. Continue reading
Another week, another tough race to make the Asshole List. Here are this week’s biggest jerks. Continue reading
Yet another banner week. America, you never let me down. Let’s see who needs to be added to the shit list this week. Continue reading
Wow! It has been a banner week in reprehensible behavior. A special hat tip goes out to America’s crazy homophobes and the voters of North Carolina who decided that they should make the hate part of their state constitution. People are neat. Continue reading
Welcome to our new feature This Week in Assholes. This column will give you a recap of some of the more appalling behavior from around the globe. I think it is obvious that given the world we live in there will be plenty on nominees each week. Please feel free to email any candidates to [email protected]. Let’s see who was particularly douchey this week. Continue reading
By now, we’ve seen the pictures of 39-pound Meow the cat everywhere- that lucky bastard’s been on Anderson Cooper’s lap; he lives in Santa Fe; he is all thick an’ shit. We know. We’re basically rewarding this cat for being obese. (And also a rescue and all those other things, LAY OFF ME).
But have you ever considered the opposite: the dangers of fat-shaming your cat? Continue reading
This will be a day long remembered. We have seen the end of the Delaware primary, and soon we will see the end of this insignificant primary season. Vile space gangster Newton Leroy Gingrich, erstwhile Terror of the Outer Rim Territories and God-Emperor of South Carolina, is dropping out. Continue reading
Here’s another one to file under “Bizarre Shit Politicians Lie about.”
Iowa Representative Steve King, recently politicking at a local town hall meeting, announced to the attendees that he had forced witnesses testifying at a congressional hearing to “confess” they were vegetarians. While this might seem a pretty odd thing to be bragging about in the first place, it gets even weirder when Think Progress reveals through a search of congressional testimony – it never happened.