
56 posts

Disgraced Rhode Island State Legislator Harnesses Power of the Internet to Act Like 14 Year Old Boy

Yesterday this writer was on Twitter when I saw a tweet from Rhode Island state legislator Dan Gordon (R-71) about the US House vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Admittedly, I was cranky, and after a day of reading bad economic news I felt a little fed up with the GOP’s continued bitching about the health care bill when Americans need some real leadership. I shot back a cranky response.

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Charles and Tara Carreon Drop the Lawsuits But Turn up the Crazy

By now most of you are familiar with the internet dispute between creator Matt Inman and lawyer Charles Carreon. I won’t rehash the whole episode here, but you can find a good recap at Last week Carreon dropped his defamation suit against Inman, but apparently his internet campaign is just beginning. Continue reading

Congressman Steve King’s Delusional Vegetarian Tale

Here’s another one to file under “Bizarre Shit Politicians Lie about.”

Iowa Representative Steve King, recently politicking at a local town hall meeting, announced to the attendees that he had forced witnesses testifying at a congressional hearing to “confess” they were vegetarians. While this might seem a pretty odd thing to be bragging about in the first place, it gets even weirder when Think Progress reveals through a search of congressional testimony – it never happened.

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