This Week in Assholes

Guy who advocates violence commits violence. Surprise!
Welcome to our new feature This Week in Assholes. This column will give you a recap of some of the more appalling behavior from around the globe. I think it is obvious that given the world we live in there will be plenty on nominees each week. Please feel free to email any candidates to [email protected]. Let’s see who was particularly douchey this week. 

You might have thought from the top photo that I was going to recognize the utter assholishness of J.T. Ready, a worthless Arizona Nazi who murdered his own family in a shooting spree on Wednesday. Ready was a white-supremacist who ran US Border Guard, a group of assholes who hung around the border with Mexico and tried to find Browns to shoot. He was an asshole of the highest order.

However, there are actually worse people. Like the editors and staff at the innocuously titled website Veterans Today. The website, which seems to exist to make veterans look crazy, has been telling readers that J.T. Ready is really a misunderstood hero, who was framed for the mass murder by Nobama and the like. Also, Jews.

Anyway, there is more great stuff on VT. For example, did you know that the “victims” of 9/11 were all made up (again, Jews). Apparently, all those people at funerals were mourning people who were made in Photoshop. Mitigating circumstance: They hate Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe.

Our next notable asshole is from the other side of the world, but still is strongly pro-murder.  Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa has been busy having teenagers shot in the street for having the audacity of wanting to criticize his shitty government freely. Bahrain’s economy is struggling, but the king still finds money for bullets.

He gets special recognition for jailing human rights activist and actual decent human being  Nabeel Rajab who runs the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights. Rajab is a hero to many for telling the world about human rights abuses in Bahrain through his Twitter account.  He was arrested yesterday while returning from Lebanon where he had done an interview with Julian Assange outlining his torture by Bahrain’s Army. It’s good to be the King.

Special bonus for the assist goes to US Taxpayers, who support the king and provide him with many, many weapons so he can kill  his own people. Good job US State Department! Way to make us all proud.

I would be remiss if I did not give a special shout out this week to geriatric rocker Ted Nugent. Ted has really been on a rally of stupidity the last couple of weeks. Thinly veiled threats against the president, led to some special face time with the Secret Service. Then the Army cancelled a show he was scheduled to play for US soldiers leading to some good old-fashioned butthurt.

However, the best part came when Nugent freaked out on a CBS reporter and his producer and invited them to make sexy in a very crude manner. This is a must see for anyone who wants a ringside seat to America’s decline.

Bonus Points: His wife made him apologize afterwards.

Send me your nominations gang, and try not to lose faith in humanity.

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