
56 posts

Nevada Has Spoken! Romney Wins, Only 45 More Primaries To Go

Newt Gingrich campaigns in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Nevada has spoken! The mutant uranium-miners, opium whores, neon salesman and moisture farmers of The Radioactive State chose Willard “10k” Romney over space-beast Newt Gingrich, bedraggled has-been Dick Santorum, and undead specter Ron Paul.

Fresh from a smack-down by Romney’s magnificent wallet in the Florida GOP primary, the candidates made their way to Nevada, the seedy, alternate-universe Utah that was the site of the next ridiculous clown rodeo caucus. Here, on the uranium-poisoned sands once trod by Mo Green and Fredo Corleone, the candidates hoped to, well, not get smacked by Romney’s wallet again. This was really a vain hope, since Romney’s wallet, like the buffet at Stinky Pete’s Bordello and Casino, is bottomless. Romney ended up clubbing them all over the head and left them bleeding in the sand like extras in “Spartacus.” Continue reading

GOP Debate Recap: These Guys Seem Pretty Angry With Each Other

The candidates, L-R, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Bought All the Evil and Shipped It to a Vault in the Cayman Islands

The GOP rodeo has lost a clown, but still the nomination process grinds on. This debate is tinged with sadness, because it will lack the comedy stylings of Texas governor Nathan Bedford Forrest Gump, who dropped out the day of the debate. There are only four podiums now on the stage here in Secession, South Carolina. You know, Perry dropped out just hours before. I bet they had a podium for him. What happened to it? Is Rick Perry’s podium in the dumpster in the back? What a great souvenir that would make! Somebody root around back there and scrounge it for me! I can have mock debates in my back yard! I can put my shoes on backward and pretend to be Perry! Awesome! Continue reading

Republican Debate Recap: They Just Won’t Shut Up

The moist bogs of South Carolina have made Newt Gingrich feisty! He thirsts for battle!

The GOP presidential candidates are doing that thing they do, again, only this time in another place.

They’re debating again.  This time they’re in Barney Fife Hall in Mount Pilot, which is not as nice as the Shrimp-n-Grits Auditorium they performed in last time.

Sadly, they can’t go back to the SnG after the thing Gingrich did backstage on Saturday. The gas expelled from his float-sacs can be surprisingly volatile, and Huntsman should probably have told somebody about his shrimp allergy. Oh well. Was that only Saturday? Continue reading