Another week, another tough race to make the Asshole List. Here are this week’s biggest jerks.
This time it’s personal. A Crass middle finger goes out to American Airlines for making our own TS the butt of the joke they call customer service. First, they didn’t send him a flight confirmation so he could get his passport renewal. Then they made him sit on the tarmac at two separate airports. After all the stress and hassle TS was ready for a relaxing night in New York City.
Way to go American Airlines. Now we look really competent in front of the Canadians. Christ, it’s not like the Nazis, lack of health care, and ABC make us look stupid enough. TS, I’m going back with you.
Speaking of foreigners, here’s a strong entry from the Ukraine. It seems that Ukrainian soccer fans have found a new way to pass the time during games. White fans have taken to beating and harassing fans who aren’t white, even if they are rooting for the same team. Guess where the Euro 2012 Tournament is being held? Neat. The situation is so bad that former English Captain Sol Campbell is warning fans to stay away from the tournament entirely.
Bonus points: there are also Nazi salutes.
Thanks to Cube RootOfPi for the tip via Angry Asian Man.
Sorry for the short list this week, but I am dealing with my own assholes. However, if you see any good nominees this week, make sure you email them to me.