
477 posts

What Can You Do with a ScanTool OBDLink Bluetooth Reader?

If you ever wanted to read your car’s mind and see what it’s thinking about look no further than the ScanTool OBDLink LX Bluetooth OBD II port reader. The on board diagnostics (version 2) port is required on all cars manufactured for sale in the United States after January 1, 1996 and some specific models sold in California in 1994 and 1995.  If your car is older than this it does not have the correct port to work with OBD II port scanners. Continue reading

There’s a new Star Wars movie trailer now

GAZE IN WONDER, NERDLINGS, AT WHAT JJ ABRAMS HATH WROUGHT! Gape in awe at characters we don’t recognize! Shriek with delight at spaceships you remember from your childhood! Groan inwardly because there’s so much goddamned Tattooine! (Seriously, does this galaxy only have five planets or something?)

Anyway, it’s here, and it looks pretty good, and you can watch it on your computer in your turkey gravy stained sweatpants, without having to put on clothes and go to the mall to see THE DUMB AND DUMBENING. BEHOLD! Continue reading

We’ll All Be to Blame if Kim Kardashian Makes $200 Million


That’s it America. You need to be officially cut off. No, seriously. You no longer know how to spend money wisely. Haha! Not that you really ever did. Now, though, you’ve taken your ability to spend money on the most ridiculous of things and upped the ante by allowing Kim Kardashian, irredeemable money goblin, to rid you of hard earned dollars through her very own game app. Continue reading

Facebook’s New Organic Reach is Screwing Nonprofits, What are the Options for Digital Activists?

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Recently Facebook has radically altered the way that organization pages reach their followers. This is big trouble for nonprofits and activist groups that rely on the platform to reach supporters and organize action campaigns.

This isn’t news for folks who run activist or nonprofit pages, the changes have been rolling out for a while. However, in the last few weeks post reach has been reduced dramatically, creating a crisis for many organizations that have spent a lot of time, effort, and yes, money, building big communities on Facebook. What the hell is going on? Continue reading