
4 posts

The Human Slingshot and Other SkyMall Crap

As I write this I’m flying to Vegas for my cousins wedding. Because nothing says Sanctity of Marriage like a place that allows drive through weddings, Elvis impersonators with legalized prostitution. To take my mind off how heterocentric this entire process can be, I’ve decided to take out my bitterness on SkyMall because let’s face it — SkyMall is asking for it. Continue reading

Backyard Fantasies Brought to You by SkyMall

I have been consumed by the process of buying a house. This is my first time, so I was hoping it would all go easy on me, like it did when I was 15. But no. There’s been no large bottle of Jergens nor any friendly strangers. It’s been all Rodents on Treadmills, Circular Obsessive Thinking and, to top it all off, someone actually handed me a flyer tonight with the following quotation:

Anxiety is that range of distress which attends willing what cannot be willed.

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