Do you remember those beautiful innocent sunshine-filled days? The days before Lifetime wrought upon us this travesty of an “All Stars” season of Project Runway? We were brimming with hope, with joy, with possibility; all of it now dashed against the mossy river stones of Reality River. What is that I hear? Is it the short, sharp breaths of the injured but still living?! There is still hope, then, as hard as it is to believe–and that hope is in Mondo’s talented fingers. Will we finally get justice for (vom) Wretchen’s win? We’ll find out tonight, won’t we? Continue reading
Daily Archives: March 22, 2012
Yes, that’s right, that’s a reference to the 1995 film Johnny Mnemonic starring ambulatory wooden plank, Keanu Reeves. Now, though, they’ve decided to go with an ever more lock-jawed leading man, Robert Pattinson, best known for rendering a legion of teenage girls speechless upon view of his iridescent torso. Continue reading
Today is the fortieth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Eisenstadt v. Baird, a decision that barred states from denying birth control to unmarried persons. Unlike its predecessor, Griswold v. Connecticut, Eisenstadt is a relatively uncelebrated decision, though with it, the Court validated what is now a thoroughly modern mindset about sex: that sex can be fun, and it isn’t necessarily all about baby-making. The decision extended the right to privacy to include single persons– using an equal protection argument that claimed that states cannot discriminate against unmarried people when it comes to laws restricting access to birth control. It was a victory for single men and women. Continue reading
In the wake of the lessons learned from Sandra Fluke, what the Republicans seem to take from it all is not to be apologetic or remorseful of the wrongdoings of one of their sycophant, mouth pieces, but to find ever inventive ways to recreate the media firestorm that followed Rush Limbaugh’s vitriolic, odd, predatory, and cruel comments about Fluke, a private person speaking publicly about a national issue — but to their advantage. Continue reading
There was an excavator blocking my driveway this morning. Continue reading
Earlier this week news reports broke that Putin’s Russia had upped the ante from merely enabling the carnage in Syria through cynical obstruction to actively aiding it as a Marine squad of Russian “anti-terror troops” arrived at Tartus, home to Russia’s only remaining foreign naval base. The news should not come as a shock to anyone who’s been paying attention, given that independent Russian journalists on the ground have now for some time been reporting that groups associated with Russian special forces have been operating in the country as “volunteers” in support of the Assad regime, and the fact that Russia’s defense minister has even acknowledged the presence of “military and technical advisors.” Continue reading
It’s well known that Crasstalk is a favorite source of reading material for the world’s auto executives. Don’t believe me? Well it’s no coincidence that we published a post last year begging Nissan to bring back the Datsun and then just yesterday the company announced that they are indeed resurrecting the Datsun brand. Continue reading
While sitting in a marathon meeting with my boss, my mind eventually wanders. I go from taking notes to doodling on the side of my notebook. I usually draw a little house and depending on my level of boredom the house will get a door, a window, a chimney and maybe even some grass. He’s still talking and it doesn’t pertain to me? I’m likely to draw a square within squares or some other geometric shape and keep repeating until the spotlight is back on me. This is not new. If I had any notebooks from college or high school, you would see the same drawings.
What do you draw when you’re bored?
Continue reading
Here are today’s blind items. They are gathered from across the internet for your speculation! Today’s post also includes a “solved” item posted today at Blind Gossip. If anyone wants to come up with a good graphic for future blind item posts then please do! Officially, the first one is the only one that has anything to do with “The Hunger Games.” Continue reading
I’m not going to search around the internet for pictures to amuse you when I can just use pictures that I take. Continue reading