Good grief. Where is that sweet, sweet, rage maniac bastard, Keith Olbermann, when we need him? Yes, this is what that perpetual asshat Bill O’Reilly has done to us — made us long for the days when shout factory Keith Olbermann cut into O’Reilly and outed his lunacy as not just the random ramblings of a stupid, talking-head pundit, but as the horrible antics that accompany the thoughts and actions of a horrible man; a pattern of behavior perfected by a misogynistic, egotistical, blowhard prick. Sure, sure, Olbermann has his issues, but there was no better historian in all the land that chronicled O’Reilly’s daily dips into the muck-filled depths that continue to buoy his entire broadcast existence. Continue reading
Sandra Fluke
In the wake of the lessons learned from Sandra Fluke, what the Republicans seem to take from it all is not to be apologetic or remorseful of the wrongdoings of one of their sycophant, mouth pieces, but to find ever inventive ways to recreate the media firestorm that followed Rush Limbaugh’s vitriolic, odd, predatory, and cruel comments about Fluke, a private person speaking publicly about a national issue — but to their advantage. Continue reading
My (former?) Jezebellian gal pal, Robyn Pennacchia (otherwise known as NotesFromTheUnderground) wrote a blog post on Monday that got me thinking about why Rush Limbaugh’s current rank foot-in-mouth incident is making bigger waves than usual – or perhaps more accurately, making bigger waves among his advertisers than usual. (At the time of this writing, Think Progress has the number of advertisers that have dropped Limbaugh at 43.) Continue reading
The fallout from Rush Limbaugh’s heinously indefensible, disgusting, and all out creepy in a restraining order way comments regarding Sandra Fluke is growing astronomically and showing little sign of slowing down. HA! That’s what you get, you blubberous piece of roadside cow dung! According to The Atlantic Wire‘s count, old Rushie, shitmouth, is up to 48 advertiser withdrawals from his stupid, obscene, ridiculous, racist, sexist, Republican ear-crack of a radio show, including such big names as Sears, Kmart, Geico, Netflix, Capital One, and NBA team, the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Whatever will poor Rush do? One advertiser has the answer. Continue reading