There was an excavator blocking my driveway this morning.
- “Obama is the most dangerous American alive … because he would eliminate free enterprise in this country.”… says the man that has made $6 billion under the President.
- Allen West is fucking crazy.
- Counting on the Cato Institute for “intellectual ammunition” is going to leave you with a lot of mental blanks.
- A Congressional Republican investigation is entirely and nakedly political? YOU DON’T SAY.
- The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”. That is to say, the GOVERNMENT cannot infringe upon an individual’s freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, or redress of grievances. The next time someone on the Right has an urge to claim the First Amendment as a defense, I would really appreciate it if they actually read it and understood that it prevents the government from censoring you, but says absolutely dick about non-governmental groups, and that when you say dickish things, people have the right to say “Hey, you said dickish things, and I don’t like that.” and you don’t get to say “FIRST AMENDMENT, BITCHES”.
- Bill Maher is a dick, but he makes sense every now and then.
- In case you were wondering where Paul Ryan’s bread is buttered.
- Hyperreality!
- Charles P. Pierce brings the wood.
- For those of you tracking how far back we’re re-legislating, we just hit 1925.
- Calling the states the meth labs of democracy is an insult to meth labs.
- Paul Ryan’s “Path To Prosperity” is like strapping dynamite to a series of run down but still salvageable buildings, blowing them all up, and going “Look! A path!”
- It would not surprise me in the least to see this repeated ad infinitum this election cycle.
- Lessons learned.
- You know you’re in bad shape when the clan of beanie wearing, panty-sniffing pedophiles goes “That’s fucked up.”