Daily Archives: March 15, 2012

9 posts

Project Runway All Stars Liveblog: The Homestretch

We’ve almost made it, my darlings. We’re almost there–this season is so very close to being over and done with. I have never dreaded a Project Runway finale (or rather, first half of a finale) so much as this one. I wonder why? I wonder what’s missing from this particular season that is usually the highlight of the finale? Hmmmm… Continue reading

Dance Moms Recap: Drifting Down To Miami

Previously on Dance Moms! The girls were almost naked and Abby did her best to act out her Gypsy fantasies. In the end, everyone was really uncomfortable and Chloe wore a suit covered in beefy jerky. This week, we’re going to Miami! By the way, have you noticed how Maddie, Chloe and Bitch Mom aren’t in the opening credits? Well, they are, but it’s a blur. Something to think about, while you go to the jump. Continue reading

What Are Mormon Underwear?

Welcome to a new series of columns on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for people who are unfamiliar with the Mormon Church. Since Mitt Romney is a viable candidate for president, the religion is being discussed a lot. I, personally, had not heard much about the church before I moved to Colorado. The church is based in Utah and is much more common out west. Since moving here, I’ve had the opportunity to learn more about the church and thought I’d share some facts. NurseWretched pitched in with her extensive knowledge of the church as a one-time member. Continue reading

Your Day One NCAA Tournament Viewing Guide

With the field of 64 now set, the real fun begins bright and early on Thursday. Once again, the NCAA is working with multiple cable partners to ensure that every game appears on television. If you own or live at a bar, this is great news for you on top of the fact that you own or live at a bar. For the rest of us watching from home, it means being judicious with the remote, lest you miss something truly exciting. Not having tru TV (like a good chunk of Americans) helps too.

Also helpful? Our second annual Crasstalk NCAA Opening Round Viewers Guide. Yes, I know the NCAA now considers Thursday and Friday ‘Round 2’ because of the First Four BS, but that’s not flying around here. Now, where to land on Thursday: Continue reading

Remembering Ron Kirk

Ron during a run in West Virginia.

On January 16, Ron Kirk, 46 of Las Vegas, sent his sister a text saying he was going hiking. It was the last anyone would hear from him.

Word spread to Chicago about a week after Ron’s disappearance that he had not been heard from in a few days. I immediately sent him a text to check on him. This was not the first time I had sent him this type of text. He was known for doing some pretty wacky things. One time he rode his bike down I-290 and passed out on the side of the highway. Another time at a big hash event he jumped in the Chicago River and went for a swim (the Chicago River is not the place to just go for a swim). He always ran without his shirt, no matter the temperature and made snow angels like a kid without a care in the world. Continue reading