dance moms recap

6 posts

Dance Moms Recap: Just End it Already

Previously on Dance Moms, Melissa went crazy, again, and Chloe forgot her dance. This time, we’re heading to NYC because we’ve been invited to an open audition for the Joffrey Ballet School, which has absolutely no affiliation with the Joffrey Ballet of Chicago or the Joffrey Ballet Academy (other than being started by the same person). Join me after the jump! Continue reading

Dance Moms Recap: Drifting Down To Miami

Previously on Dance Moms! The girls were almost naked and Abby did her best to act out her Gypsy fantasies. In the end, everyone was really uncomfortable and Chloe wore a suit covered in beefy jerky. This week, we’re going to Miami! By the way, have you noticed how Maddie, Chloe and Bitch Mom aren’t in the opening credits? Well, they are, but it’s a blur. Something to think about, while you go to the jump. Continue reading