Daily Archives: October 7, 2011

9 posts

Jerk Alert: Deli Rubes and Coffee Shop Hobos

Some of these guys have cropped up in the news lately, but they’re not a new faction to our society. No sir. I’ve been talking about Deli Rubes and Coffee Shop Hobos for years. Since about 2007 or so, and the affliction that they suffer from hasn’t gotten much better. I think I’ll call this affliction “Me-ism.” Yes, yes, I know there’s probably some other well-nuanced term I could use. Narcissism, or self-centeredness….yawr, whatever. No, I’m going with the very simple…Me-ism. Continue reading

Project Runway Season 9: For The Boids

Style! Fashion! Attitude! Well, scrap the first two. This week, every week, every hour of every day and all the time, it’s all about the ‘tude.

In this week’s episode of As The Head Turns, we join our beloved designers in their Atlas apartments. Notice how errybody is all “they smile in your face, all the time they want to take your place.” Back stabbers! Each and every one of them. As always, there’s spoilers inside, so click atcha own risk! Continue reading

In A World Where Time Is Literally Money

Imagine a world where the aging gene has been isolated and deactivated for everyone on the planet. Everyone ages normally until they turn 25, and then aging simply stops… forever.

In order to prevent a situation like Star Trek’s Mark of Gideon episode, a device is implanted in all citizens to control how long they live. Rich people can buy as much life time as they want, years and years if they so choose, and the poor, well, sometimes they wake up and don’t have enough minutes to last the day. To avoid overpopulation, time has become the currency and the way people pay for luxuries and necessities.

This is the world that Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) finds himself. Everyone is young, and since it’s Hollywood, most everyone is pretty. Will is a poor young man who is given a fortune of time, though too late to prevent his mother from dying. He ends up on the run from a corrupt police force known as ‘time keepers.’ Continue reading

QOTD: Do You Use The Facebook?

 Facebook was first introduced in February 2004; it’s hard for some of us to imagine a time when Facebook wasn’t a part of our morning routine.

First it was exclusive to college students, then it was for high schoolers, and then anyone could join. Ugh! You can thank Zuck for the resulting and endless fiddling with your Facebook privacy settings so Mom and Aunt Lori don’t see your drunk beer funneling pictures from college. Also, I’d like to personally thank Mr. Zuckerburg for my Facebook statuses coming up at Christmas dinner. Duly noted was my excessive use of the word fuck.

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Crasstalk Fact Finding Mission: Occupy Wall Street – Updated

A special thanks to the fact finding team members Achille’s and Rowen for helping get this together.

If you had asked the thousands of students, transit workers, teachers, nurses, unemployed, children, and retirees who showed up at Foley Square Wednesday afternoon about why they were there, you would have gotten thousands of different responses. But beyond the continuing debate regarding what the movement’s specific goals and demands are, the overwhelming sense in the air was that something historical was taking form, and these people had come to be a part of it.

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