friday night dj party

7 posts

Friday Night DJ Party: The Twitch Mix


It’s been a while since I’ve hit the kids with some new music. Here’s a mix I put together with a bunch of bass/trap tunes. I used my Novation Twitch to mix this up, which is a great tool for glitchy bass and electro music. I’m still getting used to playing on it, but I think this one came out sounding pretty TURNT UP. Continue reading

Friday Night DJ Party, No Cover Before 11 Ladies Drink Free

Tonight Bens and I are hitting you with some tunes. (Don’t forget, kids, tomorrow night’s DJ Party will be hosted by DJ Anita Manbadly. I hear there will be drink specials.) Anyway… put on your big floppy denim hat and braid your hair, because tonight we’re gettin’ in a Stevie kind of mood.  Continue reading