Daily Archives: September 16, 2011

10 posts

Less Content + Higher Prices = People Leaving Netflix

Netflix recently changed its pricing scheme so that those who want both streaming and disk delivery will be charged up to 60% more per month. The accountants at Netflix saw streaming usage and content acquisition costs going up and needed to offset those costs with higher revenues. In what surely could not have been unforeseen consequences a loss of distribution deals at the same time as a price hike has caused some customers to reevaluate their options.

Some facts for your perusal: Continue reading

Hey, Nerds! Liz Lemon Will Have A New Love Interest!

And it’s not a block of cheese or a sandwich! Probably not. EW reports that a casting call has gone out, and they are seeking “a man ages 36-40. . .who can play Liz Lemon’s next love interest. Here’s the official description: “California-bred with liberal values and a youthful innocence. Easy-going but confident with a strong sense of self.”” They will consider everyone from no-names to A-listers, which 30 Rock already has a solid history of netting for multi-episode arcs. EW has some casting suggestions so head over there to check them out, but I want to read your suggestions. Who do you think should be Liz’s next love interest? 30 Rock will return with a new season in early 2012; Fey gave birth very recently so she’s a little busy. Pic via

Even Big Girls Have Hosiery Needs

I can smell the hosiery in the air. You see, I am in Target. And I have a target.

If the Fat Ladies don’t pounce on their hosiery needs now, when summer is not yet officially over, there will be no tights. You Skinny Minnies don’t understand. You don’t understand why I am here, growling, in the second week of September, ready to drop 200 hard-earned bucks on tights and fight to the death for the the privilege of doing so. I seize a choice red cart, slightly faded from spending too much time in the sun outside at the OK Carridge Corral, and head in. Continue reading

Craigslost: Seeking a Platonic Spanking Bud

Hello kiddies. I see you’ve come back for more carnival of horrors. Apparently the JO Knifefights didn’t scare you off. (They should’ve.)

Well over the past few days I received a bunch of new Craigslost submissions from some of my favorite people in the world: Dancing Queen, BoobooKitteh, SusanBAwesome, GenderFenderBender and the inimitable Slim Pickens all sent me this week’s craziest free classified ad crap. So sit back, pour yourself a glass of leprechaun blood and admire the Hieronymous Bosch-ian tableau of nihilistic perversion and insanity that is Craigslist.

Let’s get to the fuckery! (Warning: Today’s Craigslost is very NSFW!) Continue reading

Project Runway Season 9: Malls To The Wall

Welcome, shoppers to the Mall of Project Runway. In the eighth episode of season nine, Heidi brings some menz out on the runway, and the designers cringe. Menswear? Oh noes! We cannot do menswear. Menz don’t have boobies and they have men’s business in their crotchal area, which makes the possibility of “crazy crotch” pants ever so much more likely.

Heidi has the sewtestants choose a mayun, and they take this serious. For reals, they think they’re designing for these men. Ohio Oliver is immediately turrified. He likes his models to be hangers, because they are flat chested, and they are not “fat”. Ohio Oliver… I am disappoint, son.

We move to the workroom and once errybody is all arranged, Tim relents and lets the sewtestants know they’re really designing for the menz’s wives, using input from the menz. Oh Tim, you’re such a trickster. it seems that we’re in the Project Runway Mall. Each designer is in a pretend atelier, designing for a real world client. How did they fare? Continue reading

Staycation, All I Ever Wanted

My wonderful employer, in their generous wisdom, decreed late in the evening last Friday that contractors need to take five days of unpaid time off (also known as a furlough). This means that I have been taking a staycation this week.

I’m just glad I had to work Saturday night, so I saw the email, which was sent Friday at about 10 pm. I would not have been pleased if I had done my usual Monday morning pre-work routine, just to find out that I wasn’t working that day.

I don’t mind taking time off, even though it’s not paid. When I was a regular employee, I never took all the time available to me, so now that no paid time off is “available,” it really doesn’t make a difference.

How did I waste this golden opportunity? Did I spend my time productively? Let’s take a look, shall we? Continue reading

Pitt Rhymes With Twit

Brad Pitt is doing press tours again and once more, I am reminded of how much I dislike him. I was never a big fan. I know he technically meets all the hotness criteria but he just doesn’t seem very bright. However, I didn’t actively loathe him until he started his public tour of smugness with Angelina Jolie. Brad and Angelina were clearly born on third base yet, they both seem convinced they hit a triple. Continue reading