Originally, I intended that this post be about the Sikh people, then about the beautiful principles taught in Sikhism and then about the founder Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh Guru. Reading about all has proven both enlightening and interesting. I was reminded of many valuable lessons.
For example, the monotheistic religion, founded almost 500 years ago, is the fifth largest organized religion in the world with over 30 million Sikhs worldwide. The Sikh religious philosophy has been traditionally known as Gurmat (literally ‘wisdom of the Guru’). Devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, the denouncing of superstition and most importantly, equality of man-kind, are it’s key principles. The Sikh religion teaches respect to all other religions and that one should not only defend one’s religion, but the religious faith of others as a human right as well. At the end of every Sikh prayer, there is a request for the welfare of all humanity. Continue reading →