Hobby Lobby is a huge, rich corporation “person” that wants to control more than the place you buy your craft supplies and birth control. They seem to have their fingers in lots of different evangelical pies. It is actually pretty confusing to try and follow everything they are into; but it is certain that they want to implement a hardline evangelical agenda on many fronts and these include a mammoth collection of ancient biblical manuscripts, a National Bible Museum, public school textbooks, and a whole lot more. Continue reading
Hobby Lobby
2 posts
After yesterday’s SCOTUS ruling in the matter of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc., wherein the highest court in the land decided 5-4 that “closely held” for-profit corporations have a right to religiously object to government regulations (because Corporations Are People Too) with regard to the “contraceptive mandate” of the Affordable Care Act, it all really came down to conception and the process of. Continue reading