So Michele Bachalooloo has done one of those things that she’s known for. Be a complete and utter Islamaphobic, paranoid, tsunamis of blood minion of unblinking eyeballs with Wrath of Kahnian mania. In short. She’s off her nutter again. Continue reading
michelle bachmann
Oh we’re gonna have some fun today. Continue reading
To think, ’tis only May 1, and America’s favorite space-grifter and her most beloved hater of colleges have packed up and left the deranged playground that was the 2012 GOP presidential primary. Now that the least heinous most likable 1%er of the crop has been chosen, the side show collection of contenders will slowly slide back into the murky depths of K-street lobbying firms and Heritage Foundation-like ‘think-tanks’. Continue reading
A nation weary of trying to talk any sense into GOP Candidate Michele Bachmann has sent instead an eight year old boy to carry the message. It is hoped that dealing with her on terms and at a level she can understand will be more successful. Previous attempts to reason with Mrs. Bachmann have met with what appears to be a solid wall of ignorance and intolerance when it comes to issues involving gay people other than her husband. Continue reading