
6 posts

Kanye West Concert Review

kanye panorama
During “All of the Lights” Kanye told everyone to shine their cell phone lights and I was able to capture this cool shot.

Kanye West played the New Orleans Arena on December 5th and I was lucky enough to attend this concert so you won’t have to. I won’t lie, the $59 ticket price tag along with opener Kendrick Lamar are two factors that heavily contributed to my decision to purchase a ticket. I never know when to show up for a concert that isn’t a festival, so after work that day, I browsed the internet to find out if there was an act going on before Kendrick Lamar. No concert review for this even had a mention of Kanye’s opener, but I did find out that his set list was a staggering 28 songs long. “Great,” I thought, “I’m not getting home until the middle of the night.” Continue reading

Tuesday Night Time Thread

Hi gang. Hope you have had a great day so far. Quick announcement from Bens:

Hi guys. A lot of people have said “hey, I can’t see the link! What is this you speak of? Well, you need to turn off Adblock Plus, for Crasstalk. We promise we won’t run cheeto ads. Please, please, turn it off. Here’s how!
1. See the red stop sign on the top right of your toolbar? It says “ABP” on it. Left click on it.
2. There’s an option that will say “disable for” – check it.
3. The sign should now turn green for

ALSO! Adobe has fixed some MAJOR bugs in FlashPlayer. Unless you’re super l33t like Dogz, you’ll need to update. Easy method: go over to and let it search for updates. It works on Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. You’ll be happy when you don’t look at your credit card statement and see mysterious charges coming from a Belarussian strip club. Have a nice day!

Here are some crazy people to make you feel more sane in comparison. Caution contains salty language and crazy.