
22 posts

Life Lessons: Big Sister Plays Life Coach to Younger Brother Winning Epic Awwws

Well, if this little girl doesn’t have a job waiting for her as a therapist, well, we just don’t know what. This will probably be the best thing you’ll see all day. And really, and truly, someone should pay her for her services. It’s not every day a grade schooler can break down the societal outcomes of the playground which just naturally is an allegory for most of the pivotal moments of our entire lives. “You need to toughen up a bit” should be written in gold somewhere. (And Paul Ryan should wear it today just because.) Continue reading

Did Google Forget “Don’t Be Evil”?

So, early this morning, with some pretty serious accusations towards Google’s falling ethics and a specific bit of fraud that seems to be going on in Kenya. Basically, Kenya does not have a good public business directory. There are no yellow pages and most businesses do not have a web presence. So, a company called Mocality decided they were going to do that. Continue reading

QOTD: Do You Use The Facebook?

 Facebook was first introduced in February 2004; it’s hard for some of us to imagine a time when Facebook wasn’t a part of our morning routine.

First it was exclusive to college students, then it was for high schoolers, and then anyone could join. Ugh! You can thank Zuck for the resulting and endless fiddling with your Facebook privacy settings so Mom and Aunt Lori don’t see your drunk beer funneling pictures from college. Also, I’d like to personally thank Mr. Zuckerburg for my Facebook statuses coming up at Christmas dinner. Duly noted was my excessive use of the word fuck.

Continue reading

Your Obsessive Web Browsing

Have you ever wondered how many times you’ve visited a website?  If you’re using Firefox and haven’t cleared your browsing history (they have a private mode for that you know) then your web browser will tell you.

  • Right click on the page background
  • Select “View Page Info”
  • Click on the Security tab at the top, it’s the one with the lock
  • Now read the line that says,  “Have I visited this web site prior to today?”

Shout out with your ridiculously high numbers for your favorite websites.  This number isn’t an exact science and only goes as far back as the last time you cleared history, but it’s fun to get an idea of how many times you’ve obsessively refreshed a particular site.

Back up Facebook, simply, for free

Lots of you guys use Facebook. Facebook is notoriously hard to back up. Although I’m not aware of any large server outages, if you post a lot of pictures to Facebook its good to have the important ones saved in a secure place. There are a number of programs you can download that scan through the Facebook directories and download each and every file individually, they’re hard to use. There’s a simple solution.

Backupify will download and save your facebook profile and files on their server, for free. It requires you to sign up for an account with them, but its a very simple solution to a very tricky problem.

(Yeah, click the link above. It should be red.)

Follow the directions for the setup, and you’ll soon be on your way. If you have any problems, contact them!