I have recently started the process of trying to quit smoking. My doctor has recommended that using the e- cigarette may be an effective way to wean myself off of my 22 year nicotine addiction and cigarette habit. So far, so good. However, I feel a bit awkward about e -cigarette etiquette and where the line of regulation should be drawn. Apparently, several states and cities in the country are starting to feel the same way. Continue reading
Netaddiction.com has a quick test to see if you have an internet addiction. Billing themselves as the “Center for Net Addiction… your resource since 1985,” they claim that 1 in 8 people suffer from this addiction. Hmm. I apparently am an average internet user with a score of 24. Continue reading
Don’t get enough Angry Birds on your phone? Not enjoying the same functionality from a web-based look-alike? Need a larger screen to see the sweat on the green pigs brow? Well now you can play Angry Birds on your desktop, laptop, any top that has Chrome installed. EDIT: Works great in Firefox, too!
I need to call someone about the hours I’ve already spent lobbing fowl at swine and giggling like a madwoman. Is there an Angry Birds hotline yet? No? There should be.
Feeling lazy? Too hot to cook? Find yourself a sushi house and head over there with a few friends. Be sure to save me a seat! Continue reading