
4 posts

E-Cigarette Etiquette and Regulation – How Far Should It Go?

I have recently started the process of trying to quit smoking. My doctor has recommended that using the e- cigarette may be an effective way to wean myself off of my 22 year nicotine addiction and cigarette habit. So far, so good. However, I feel a bit awkward about e -cigarette etiquette and where the line of regulation should be drawn. Apparently, several states and cities in the country are starting to feel the same way. Continue reading

Angry Birds Is Now Being Served on Chrome

Don’t get enough Angry Birds on your phone? Not enjoying the same functionality from a web-based look-alike? Need a larger screen to see the sweat on the green pigs brow? Well now you can play Angry Birds on your desktop, laptop, any top that has Chrome installed. EDIT: Works great in Firefox, too!

I need to call someone about the hours I’ve already spent lobbing fowl at swine and giggling like a madwoman. Is there an Angry Birds hotline yet? No? There should be.