
650 posts
Lauren "AKA Spirit Fingers" likes to talk about entertainment, politics, the news, the world, you know, the awesome stuff that makes us say, "Holy Crap! That's crazy...but I love it." Got a message, a writing gig, or need a freelancer? Email me at: [email protected] or find me here @CrassLauren.

How Do We Solve A Problem Like Manspreading?

manspreading In 2015 everyone has rage about the concept of manspreading. There are those who think anyone who manspreads is not only a rude jackass who revels in splaying his junk in an apparent display of superiority, but who is also attempting to suggest to you, unexpecting female train rider, that you should not only behold all that is magnificent about male genitalia, but be so threatened by the glory of every man’s significant crotch circus that you should swoon and feel a bit faint just by being in its presence, if not fearful of its magnitude. All the while, pro-spreaders say simply, “Dude, my balls get hot if confined, so I need the space to keep things loose and moving ‘down there.'”

So who’s right, and more importantly, how do we solve the problem if indeed there is one. Continue reading

Are You An Annoying Airline Passenger?

Expedia, everyone’s favorite booking hospice for the travel disabled, has decided that you people are annoying travelers. Well, not all of you people, just some of you who were obviously raised in a barn, or were treated like super special cronuts of light and joy. Yes, you led Expedia to commission research to find out which of you is the worst kind of flier out there. Find out if you’re on the list. Continue reading

The SAG Nominations Choose Indie Darlings As This Year’s Faves

Oh, Hollywood, when you’re not screaming at the top of your lungs about Angelina Jolie daring to do that land-farce of a spectacle Cleopatra, again, because how dare she want to make a big, behemoth epic movie that will probably bankrupt Sony, haha! Yes, you’re giving out awards and pats on the backs for all the wonderful movies and television you’ve zapped into the eyeballs of the viewing public. It’s SAG award nomination time. Let’s see what graying, old filthy codger of a television show is still hobbling down the carpet to pick up an award. (Modern Family) Continue reading

Hey, Look What the GOP Snuck into the Trash Late Friday!

Why it’s the House Intelligence Committee’s massive Benghazi Inquiry! Sitting out there in the Friday news dump a whole report about Benghazi led by the Republicans. You know the one, the one that was going to topple President Born-to-Lie OrWe’llBlameHimAnyway and his right hand Benghazi stooge, Former Secretary Hillary ClintonCoverup. Well, none of that happened. Actually the opposite of that happened. Continue reading

Lena Dunham and the Division of Feminism

If you’ve heard about the backlash targeted at Lena Dunham recently, than you may have read a myriad of reactions to one singular passage Dunham describes in her memoir, Not That Kind of Girl . Dunham recounts an episode as a seven-year old where she touched her sister’s genitals and allegedly found pebbles therein — supposedly put there by the younger sibling as a prank. The description is graphic, visceral, and perhaps asks more questions than it answers about Dunham’s childhood, despite her claim that this was among the things she would do. Continue reading